17. September 2015

INOSIM User Day 2015

Productive Exchange at the User Day 2015

Traditionally, INOSIM emphasizes the involvement of our software’s users. Once again this became obvious at the INOSIM User Day (September  15th, 2015 in Dortmund). Experienced INOSIM users had been invited, along with newcomers and also with several cooperation partners of ours. A relaxed atmosphere gave the background for a productive exchange of experiences and insights.

Successful Projects and A Guest from France

How far the range of application of our process simulation INOSIM has spread in the meantime, was shown by many guest talks. They reached from economic feasibility of an innovative biogas plant (INOSIM/MaxBiogas) over process logistics in pharmaceutical production (M&W Process Industries) and the emulation of historical operational data for process analysis (INOSIM/Worlee Chemie) up to the development and teaching of concepts for Lean Production in process industries (IML Fraunhofer Institut).

ProSim CEO Stéphane Déchelotte (top left) had made the long way from Toulouse (France) especially to report on the integration of batch and semi-continuous processes (INOSIM) with a very detailed simulation of unit operations (ProSim). After his talk, INOSIM presented to the users our current product portfolio (version 11), including some new, tailor-made simulation solutions for material flow analysis (INOSIM Plant Edition) and process design (INOSIM Process Edition).

New Developments at INOSIM

As a third part of the event, INOSIM Head of Software Development Dr. Michael Günther introduced the attendees to the plans for the upcoming release. He took the opportunity to consult the users directly about their ideas on the further development of our simulation solutions. Proposals from the plenum concerned an even better usability, together with detailed solutions due to actual practice. The suggestions of our users certainly will contribute to the future improvement of INOSIM simulation solutions.

A glass of champagne completed the meeting, with users and executives likewise contented with the outcome. To maintain and foster the contact to our customers, in the future INOSIM will put the user day on a regular basis. Announcements will be trackable on our homepage. If you are interested in further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Do you have any questions or would like to know more about this topic? Please contact us.

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