The best way to understand how INOSIM simulations can support your decision-making process is with a live, personalized demo-call with our team.
Get to know features, see simulations in action, and have your questions answered by a simulation expert.
We are happy to schedule a live demo-call for you. Please suggest one or two dates and let us know about your use case. Give us a call or complete your details, and we will be in touch right away.
Phone: +49 231 97 00 250
Dr. Ulrich Burges, Board Member, SimPlan AG
Dr. Waldemar Grauberger, Supply Chain Analyst, Covestro
Felix Braun, Project Engineer Process / Simulation, SAV Planung GmbH
Andrea Uebele, Manager Facility Design & Simulation, Exyte Central Europe GmbH
Dr. Rolf Becher, Head of Conceptual Process Engineering, BASF SE