10. July 2019

INOSIM Software Development Newsflash, 3rd Quarter, 2019

INOSIM Software Development Newsflash, 3rd Quarter, 2019

Update 12.0.7

In the course of the current version’s maintenance, the newest update INOSIM 12.0.7 again provides a number of fixes and improvements. These concern the Gantt chart, the handling of projects, and the online help access.

INOSIM Gantt now contains complete labeling of the timescale even in the printout. The performance of the view properties dialog has been enhanced for projects with multiple items. Unexpected shutdown while loading experiments, especially those with many rows, does no longer occur.

Projects with order-comprehensive transfers could not be re-imported in all cases after having been exported. This is now possible without restrictions, as well as the deletion of projects without any database timeout. Enabling material properties calculation for unique units now works even when for a project material calculation had been disabled globally.

The context-sensitive help is now available even from the Layouts dialog. Moreover, an error (possible crashes after calling the SuspendRecordMaterial method) related to Basic has been fixed.

A full overview of the changes made to INOSIM 12.0.7 soon will be given to registered customers under Support & Services > Downloads > INOSIM 12. The new update then will be available there for download (we will inform our users in a separate mailing).

Do you have any questions or would like to know more about this topic? Please contact us.

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