Using Digital Twins by INOSIM, the OptiProd.NRW project partners are developing a new methodology and software tools that let you generate high-quality production schedules with the click of a button, even for the most complex of plants. And these schedules will just work – no need for expensive, error-prone, and time-consuming manual modifications.
Fifth Consortium Meeting of the OptiProd.NRW Project
On August 27, 2021, the partners of the OptiProd.NRW project held their fifth consortium meeting via online conference to discuss the progress made since the last meeting in spring, to exchange new ideas, and to plan the next steps in the maturation, validation, and industrial application of the OptiProd.NRW tool for optimal production scheduling using detailed INOSIM simulation models.
The software system and optimization methodology have been extended and matured considerably over the last months, and we are now at the stage where we can demonstrate the power of the new methodology and software system on an industrially relevant scale. To this end, we have finished building a detailed INOSIM simulation model of a complex industrial formulation plant by partner Bayer that also includes the associated logistics processes (implemented in the new packaged-goods library of INOSIM). The model is currently validated in a real-world industrial setting, and we plan to start testing and demonstration of the system on the full-scale industrial model within the next months.
The first half of the project was all about methodological and prototypical development of the new OptiProd.NRW software system. While this work will continue also in the second half of the project, we will shift our focus to exploitation and commercial applications – besides industrial-scale testing and software maturation, we are developing a handbook, a toolbox, and guidelines that will enable us to apply the OptiProd.NRW approach quickly and efficiently to solve complex production scheduling challenges for our customers and thus add significant value to their operations.