26. April 2019

Experts Join Forces For Artificial Intelligence

Experts Join Forces For Artificial Intelligence

Modern AI technologies have the potential to enrich and transform many aspects of society, including engineering and simulation in the process industry. According to this motto, the 8th meeting of the German Working Group Process Simulation (Arbeitskreis Prozesssimulation) took place at the PricewaterhouseCoopers Tower in Frankfurt/Main (Germany) on April 10, 2019.

Artificial Intelligence in Process Engineering and Simulation

The common goal was to answer and discuss important questions on this topic, such as “Where is AI already used successfully in simulation and process engineering?”, or “How can AI support process engineering and simulation projects in practice?”. In a series of talks, representatives of the member companies gave overviews of AI, presented their own AI applications and experiences, and shared opinions on the future challenges and potential of AI innovations. INOSIM contributed a talk on our vision of simulation-driven AI solutions.

The meeting ended with an interactive workshop where the attendants discussed current trends, challenges, and opportunities. The group identified a variety of opportunities, ranging from AI-based predictions based on historic data over the use of AI for optimal (real-time) production scheduling, surrogate model generation, and online production support and knowledge management in process engineering environments. With our innovation projects, we at INOSIM are working on new technologies that address these opportunities.

Do you have any questions or would like to know more about this topic? Please contact us.

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