INOSIM Packaged Goods

Extend INOSIM’s Digital Twins of production processes with process logistics

INOSIM Packaged Goods is a new add-on to enable integrated simulation of the production process and the logistics evolving around the core process. The add-on activates easy-to-use building blocks to model any logistic process with INOSIM’s intuitive graphical recipes.

Integrated Simulation of Process and Logistics

Fill your products into containers, stack them on pallets and let a forklift transport them to a warehouse or the outbound loading dock for transport to a customer or different site. Answer questions like

  • How many circulating special containers are necessary for inter-site logistics?
  • How many storage lots are needed per site or per product type?
  • Is the number of loading bays sufficient for the planned capacity increase?

Packaged Goods Recipe Modules

The Packaged Goods Add-on comes with 13 easy-to-use recipe modules that create, destroy, move, stack, or fill Movable Unit (MU) items. These allow you to model any logistic process with INOSIM’s intuitive and well-established building-block system.

Create / destroy Stack / unstack Change contents / process
PullSource StackFromSource Decant
PullUnit StackFromUnit Discharge
PushSink UnstackToSink Fill
PushUnit UnstackToUnit Process

Built-in Reporting and Visualization

In the INOSIM Gantt Chart, you can analyze the logistics alongside the production process, by displaying

  • the allocation of units (MU Containers) with Packaged Goods Recipe Modules, and their MU Actions.
  • the UsedLots, AvailableLots, UsedSpace, and AvailableSpace properties as curves.
  • any other custom metrics, i.e., the number of drums stacked on a pallet.

Additionally, you can create four different Excel reports in the graphical user interface, or access the same reports via the reporting object in VBA, to generate new insights.

Default Dashboards for Visualization in Tableau

With INOSIM’s BICON Add-On, you can export all simulation results to your favorite business intelligence tool (BI). It comes with an every growing collection of default dashboard, some dedicated to displaying results from your Packaged Goods simulation:

  • Container View: shows the allocation per unit (MU Containers), displaying the executed Packaged Goods Recipe Modules (and other operations) as well as curves like UsedLots, and UsedSpace which can also show the contained MUs as a tooltip.
  • MU View: shows the change per MU (e.g., a truck), allowing users to follow the steps of a single MU through the logistics process. Think of a circulating container being filled, stored in a warehouse, transported to the customer, emptied, cleaned and returned to the producer. The UsedLots-curve also shows the contained MUs at any time.

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